Eggplant Lasagna with Italian sausage
I have been a long time lover of eggplant. So fitting I would find another way to cook it, Eggplant Lasagna. As a matter of fact, I love it so much I have grown 8 different varieties over the years. Did you know that the Black Beauty eggplant (the one most commonly found in American stores) is actually one of the most bitter eggplants? I find it odd that it is so commonly stocked when there are some really amazing soft and sweeter ones available.
This recipe is one that takes some time but is well worth your efforts.

What you need
- 2 Medium Black Beauty Eggplants
- Bread Crumbs
- Parmesan Cheese
- 3-4 Large Eggs
- 16 oz Ricotta Cheese
- 8 oz Mozzarella Cheese
- 1 lb Italian Sausage
- Fresh basil (optional)
- Marinara sauce
- Italian Seasoning
- Salt & Pepper

Getting started
Hop on over to this post to get started on your breaded EGGPLANT. Just a tip from an old wise homemaker, the next time you want fried eggplant, double your efforts and then freeze what you won’t use. Add them to a freezer bag before you fry them and they are a quick go to later!

Once you have fried your eggplant, set that aside and get started on your sausage. In a medium skillet brown your sausage. I prefer to use locally raised grass fed beef from AZ Grass Raised Beef. Their newer sausage line is perfect for me because I do not eat pork. Their beef sausage line is packed with brilliant organic ingredients. This has really been a value add in my kitchen. Other flavors they have available are chorizo, breakfast, and taco. All drool worthy.
By using the link to order AZ Grass Raised Beef, you are helping support my family and my blog. I am an affiliate with them, but would never promote something I didn’t love or wasn’t passionate about.
Using the ricotta cheese add in 1/2 cup of grated parmesan, an egg, and a hand full of freshly chopped basil. I also like to taste it and often add a dash or two of salt.
When I am making my lasagna layers I begin a thin layer of marinara on the bottom of my 9×12 baking pan. Then I add a layer of eggplant. I do three layers of eggplant so cut the browned sausage in half and add that to the top of your first layer. Then add half your ricotta mixture and a few handfuls of shredded mozzarella cheese. Cover all you’ve added with marinara and repeat all steps.
Finally cover the eggplant lasagna with the last layer of eggplant, top with marina and cheese. Bake in the over at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.

And Voila!
There you have it! All steps combined takes me about an hour and a half. If you are looking for a Marina recipe I have one HERE for you!
Let me know what you think if you try it!