Queen Creek, AZ Homestead

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a nearby homestead called La Campagna, run by two really kind and generous people, Lauren and Frank Infurna. It was actually an instagram contact turned friend that posted some photos to her stories about a great market stand, already loving that I had found a new market to visit, my IG friend then posted a picture holding a piglet, the same breed that we are planning to raise when we have our own homestead! SOLD! I had to go check this place out, visit pigs, and see what kind of goodies that had for me. Boy was I impressed with their entire operation. La Campagna Homestead.
Saturday Market
They run the cutest Saturday Market where the offer up the rest of their CSA goodies to the public. This market is located on their property, near the animals they raise. I imagine this gets kids so excited when they come to the market, I know it sure worked for me. They are open from 10am-1pm and sell produce, eggs (both chicken and duck), and have select floral bouquets available from flowers that are also grown on the property. I picked up a ton of unique radishes (fitting), a cool green cauliflower that Frank calls Alien, broccoli, and some turnips. We ate the broccoli that night and I ended up making a delish coconut curried turnip soup the following day. So good.
The Mini Farm

Being the hobby farmer that I am I had to ask if they had time to show me around. My affinity for gardens forced me to ask. Even though they were a little busy, Frank took some time to walk me through their set up and show me some of their amazing produce. He talked about how Lauren is the real chief around there, plans the space and crop rotation. They have a shared green house and a small bee box. After we walked through the garden we headed over to see their livestock. But take a look at that cool Alien looking green cauliflower, also the purple one was just so beautiful and vibrant, I almost hate to eat just beauties… almost.
The Animals

KUNE KUNES!! (Pronounced “Cooney-Cooney”) These are the pigs we plan to raise for meat when we are homesteaders. They are a smaller meat pig with a pretty docile demeanor. Great mowers and will eat just about any veggie scraps you throw at them. What I loved about Frank and Lauren’s homestead is how connected they are with their community. After speaking for only a short period of time I could see how much the agricultural community means to them. They got their pigs from another local homestead in the area and have a great relationship with them. They were so generous in offering any advice I may need getting my own homestead up and running. It was such a kind offer and it meant a lot. And they probably also have no idea just how many questions I may have in the very near future. By the way, I think Lauren told me that horse is like 27 years old. Wowzers!
Lauren & Frank

Meet Lauren and Frank, my two new best friends. My new homesteading ride or dies. Before I left I asked if they would stand in for one picture together, holding a baby kune kune, which turned out to be a harder to catch than I imagined in my head. But Frank was a good sport about it. I had asked Lauren a little about how she got into all this, and she had a really neat story to tell. She started out in culinary science, worked and interned on a few farms all over and wound up loving that farm life and swithed gears a bit. She tells it a lot better than I just did obviously. So I encourage you, especially if you are in my area, go check out La Campagna Homestead and see what they’re all about. You won’t be disappointed.
Thanks Lauren and Frank for a great mini tour!
Looking for a cool recipe for all those farmers market goodies? Check out my Sauteed Swiss Chard Recipe Here!

What a beautiful place! Fresh produce from local farms are the best, and those pigs are too cute!
Man, I am obsessed with anything related to a market. Look how cute those pigs are!
Okay, totally obsessed with those animals!! We have chickens and are hoping to get pigs some day! Also, we are up in the White Mountains! Shout out to AZ peeps!!
Oh my gosh this place looks absolutely magical. You must have been so inspired everywhere you looked! Love these snaps, too 🙂
This looks like a blast! All of the animals look so friendly!