This year for Earth Day we wanted to make sure we inlcuded some giving. So we decided to gift some plants to a few of our teachers. My 3rd and 6th grader were in on the Earth giving fun.
We decided to paint some clay pots and give a plant that will grow year round and provide something other than just greenery. We chose basil, well because we love and use it all the time. (And we know it doesn’t die easily, and that’s a plus when gifting a plant.)
We went to our local Wal Mart to grab the basics; pots, plants, and soil. We didn’t plan far enough in advance to seed these plants for their teachers. But that’s a good idea for next year. We already had what we needed to paint the pots like the earth. Because getting messy is something we do a lot around here.
Aside from our gifting project, we also are trying something new at #thehansencompound. I bought a few Green Houses from IKEA. HERE & HERE. So we gathered what we needed for some seedlings. I will do a follow up post in a month or so on how that went. We planted some herbs, watermelon, peppers, and tomatoes.
In the meantime, enjoy our Earth Day Projects for Kids! Easy and Fun!

We would love to know what you did for Earth day! Please share in the comments. And if you have any tips on successful indoor green houses we welcome advice!